Thursday, 11 April 2019

Letter from Dublin. "Send me a letter". The reader is the key person of the stories.

By Leonidas Stergiou

     Presentation speach during the 3rd Art and Business Festival of the Hellenic Community. EPIC Irish Emigration Museum, Dublin 24 February 2019.

     "Send me a Letter" consists of a puzzle of contiguous and interactive stories. This feature, in conjunction with the writing method of "enkyvotismοs" – I am sorry that I am not aware of the correct term of this word in the English and I want to avoid taking the risk to give a rush translation but I will try to describe; it is a writing method where one story is within another, all together are developing at the same time. Homer was the first who used this method in his epics Oddyssea and Iliad.

     The combination above retains the reader's interest afloat and supports the main idea and message of the book.

     At the same time, the book and its stories are interactive. You smell, you feel, you listen to, you remember...

     What do you hear, or smell? Your story.

     The major achievement of this book is that makes the reader the key person and role of the stories. The reader reads the book through their eyes and experiences. Thus, the conclusion and the main message of the book are different for each reader.

     I asked for a copy to read before the presentation. I planned to read the book within five days. However, I read it the same evening because I could not stop reading. This is proof of how this book keeps your interesting alive. This is proof of the success of a book.

     I fairly recommend you to read it.

     Thank you

Leonidas Stergiou
Stergiou Books Limited
Dublin, Ireland
24 February 2019

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